I help women break cycles.

Work with me to break cycles of:

Generational Trauma



Negative Thought Patterns

Accepting New Clients

Available via telehealth in NY, PA, VT, ME, and AL.

In-person appointments in Gouverneur, New York.

Miranda is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and EMDR therapist located in Upstate, NY.

Telehealth appointments within New York State, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Maine, and Alabama.

We are growing.

to meet my wonderful new team. 

Women who have worked with me have reported:

“I am able to think more clearly.”

“I feel like I can finally ‘Zoom-Out’ and see things differently.”

“I’m responding more often than I’m reacting to my kids.”

“I’m making decisions that align with my values, as a person, and as a parent.”

Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy is a research based trauma therapy used to treat a variety of conditions including Anxiety, Panic Disorder, Depression, and PTSD.

EMDR Therapy

For patients who are looking for “standard therapy”. We use a person-centered approach. This means that we “meet you where you are”. We work together to set goals that meet your needs as YOU define them.

Person-Centered Psychotherapy

EMDR Intensives

Four-day in-person EMDR intensives available in select cities.

Ready to take the next step?

You’ve been contemplating change. You want something to be different. Visiting this page has been a big step on a wonderful, challenging, and rewarding journey. I am honored you’re considering me to help guide and support you on this path.

Am I the right therapist for you?

Your 15-minute consultation is free to ensure that we’re a good fit.