I help women break cycles.

Work with me to break cycles of:

Generational Trauma



Negative Thought Patterns

Accepting New Clients

Available via telehealth in NY, PA, VT, ME, and AL.

Miranda is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and EMDR therapist located in Upstate, NY.

Telehealth appointments within New York State, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Maine, and Alabama.

Women who have worked with me have reported:

“I am able to think more clearly.”

“I feel like I can finally ‘Zoom-Out’ and see things differently.”

“I’m responding more often than I’m reacting to my kids.”

“I’m making decisions that align with my values, as a person, and as a parent.”

Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy is a research based trauma therapy used to treat a variety of conditions including Anxiety, Panic Disorder, Depression, and PTSD.

EMDR Therapy

For patients who are looking for “standard therapy”. We use a person-centered approach. This means that we “meet you where you are”. We work together to set goals that meet your needs as YOU define them.

Person-Centered Psychotherapy

EMDR Intensives

Four-day in-person EMDR intensives available in select cities.

Ready to take the next step?

You’ve been contemplating change. You want something to be different. Visiting this page has been a big step on a wonderful, challenging, and rewarding journey. I am honored you’re considering me to help guide and support you on this path.

Am I the right therapist for you?

Your 15-minute consultation is free to ensure that we’re a good fit.